All functions |
Discrete Choice Predictions (HMNL) |
Discrete Choice Predictions (HMNL with attribute-based screening) |
Estimate discrete choice model (HMNL) |
Estimate discrete choice model (HMNL, attribute-based screening (not including price)) |
Log-Likelihood for compensatory hmnl model |
Log-Likelihood for screening hmnl model |
Create dummy variables within a tibble |
Dummy-code a categorical variable |
echoice2 |
Generate MU_theta boxplot |
Generate Screening probability boxplot |
Create demand curves |
Create demand-incidence curves |
Create demand-incidence curves |
Aggregate posterior draws of demand |
Evaluate (hold-out) demand predictions |
Summarize posterior draws of demand |
Obtain MU_theta draws |
Obtain Screening probability draws |
Obtain upper level model estimates |
Summarize attribute-based screening parameters |
Obtain posterior mean estimates of upper level covariance |
Obtain posterior mean estimates of upper level correlations |
Simulate error realization from EV1 distribution |
Simulate error realization from Normal distribution |
Obtain Log Marginal Density from draw objects |
Convert "list of lists" format to long "tidy" format |
Screening probabilities of choice alternatives |
Summarize posterior draws of screening |
Summarize attributes and levels |
Generate MU_theta traceplot |
Generate Screening probability traceplots |
Converts a set of dummy variables into a single categorical variable |
Convert dummy-coded variables to low/high factor |
Convert dummy-coded variables to low/medium/high factor |
Convert dummy-coded variables to yes/no factor |
Convert a vector of choices to long format |
Find mutually exclusive columns |
Obtain attributes and levels from tidy choice data with dummies |
Get the attribute of an object |
icecream |
icecream_discrete |
Log Marginal Density (Newton-Raftery) |
pizza |
Match factor levels between two datasets |
Add product id to demand draws |
Summarize posterior draws of demand (volumetric models only) |
Demand Prediction (Volumetric Demand Model) |
Demand Prediction (Volumetric demand, attribute-based screening) |
Demand Prediction (Volumetric demand, accounting for set-size variation, EV1 errors) |
Estimate volumetric demand model |
Estimate volumetric demand model with attribute-based conjunctive screening |
Estimate volumetric demand model accounting for set size variation (1st order) |
Log-Likelihood for compensatory volumetric demand model |
Log-Likelihood for volumetric demand model with set-size variation |
Log-Likelihood for conjunctive-screening volumetric demand model |
Generate tidy choice data with dummies from long-format choice data |
Prepare choice data for analysis |
Prepare choice data for analysis (without x being present) |
Thin 'echoice2'-vd draw objects |