Log-Likelihood for screening hmnl model
dd_LL_sr(draw, dd, fromdraw = 1)
A list, 'echoice2' draws object
A tibble, tidy choice data (before dummy-coding)
An integer, from which draw onwards to compute LL (i.e., excl. burnin)
N x Draws Matrix of log-Likelihood values
#fit model
icecream_est <- icecream_discrete %>% dd_est_hmnl_screen(R=10, keep=1, cores=2)
#> Using 2 cores
#> MCMC in progress
#> MCMC complete
#> Total Time Elapsed: 0.00 minutes
#compute likelihood for each subject in each draw
loglls<-dd_LL_sr(icecream_est, icecream_discrete, fromdraw = 2)